Логотип Журнал Сабантуй

Бала хакына 138 килограммга ябыккан!

Лекси һәм Дэнни Рид барлык буш вакытларын диванда, көненә 8000 ккал ашап үткәргәннәр. Матурлык стандартларыннан ерак торсалар да, бер-берсен ничек бар шул килеш үлеп яратучы пар гаилә корып, бала тәрб...

Лекси һәм Дэнни Рид барлык буш вакытларын диванда, көненә 8000 ккал ашап үткәргәннәр. Матурлык стандартларыннан ерак торсалар да, бер-берсен ничек бар шул килеш үлеп яратучы пар гаилә корып, бала тәрбияләү хакында хыялланган.

Туй көннәрендә Лекси белән Дэннидан да бәхетле кеше булмый: ниһаять, алар кавыштылар, алар бергә!

#throwbackthursday to when @dannyreed5 asked me to be his wife on Clearwater Beach at sunset. I had no idea it was coming and cried like a baby. He loved me enough at my heaviest to spend the rest of his life by my side despite my size. He never asked me to change or made me feel like I wasnt worthy to feel beautiful and loved. I'm forever grateful to be his wife and to have had him by my side for the last 10 years. Together we are unstoppable. Together we have come so far and through our weight loss journey have became stronger than ever before. We all deserve love no matter what size. Never let anyone make you feel like you're not enough because someone out there is waiting to show you that you are. ❤ #love #proposal #wedding #engagement #weightlosstransformation #weightloss #plussize #effyourbeautystandards #fattofit #obesetobeast #progress #extremeweightloss #couplegoals #fitcouple #swolemate #gym #workout #exercise #diet #health #instafit #fitness #fit #fitfam #fitnessmotivation

Публикация от Lexiiii ❤ (@fatgirlfedup)

#throwbackthursday to when I married my #swolemate! @dannyreed5 loved me at 485lbs & never once asked me to change. Ofcourse he wanted me to be healthy, but he never pushed & that's why when I decided to change - we went on this journey together. To live a healthier longer life together & to be able to be parents one day was a great motivator. Wedding dress shopping for a size 34W was one of the worst experiences for me, and even though I was heavy - I still felt beautiful on my wedding day. It was one of the best days of my life & I wouldn't change a single thing. Surround yourself with those who lift you higher & see your soul, not just your looks. ❤ #weightloss #wedding #marriage #plussize #gym #fitchicks #fitcouple #weightloss #weightlossjourney #fit #fitness #effyourbeautystandards #plussize #obesetobeast #fattofit #indiana #goals #diet #love #transform #extremeweightloss #fitfam #weightlosstransformation #selflove #dietbet #husband #life

Публикация от Lexiiii ❤ (@fatgirlfedup)

Гаиләгә әверелгәч тә гадәтләнгән тормыштан баш тартмыйлар. Көн дә шул фаст-фуд, өйгә пицца китертәләр, кафеда төшке аш ашыйлар. Лекси да, Дэнни да сөйгәненнән тулысынча канәгать була.
Тора бара артык авырлыктан өйләрендәге җиһазлар ватыла башлый, урамда кешеләр бармак төртеп күрсәтә. Лекси ул вакытта 220, Дэнни 127 килога җитә.

Берничә тапкыр балага узу омтылышлары нәтиҗәсез булгач табибларга йөри башлыйлар. Артык авырлык аларның сәламәтлеген нык какшаткан һәм балага узарга комачаулаган икән. Шушы хәбәрне ишетүгә алар ябыгырга карар кыла.
Беренче эш итеп тулысынча менюларын үзгәртәләр. Барлык ашларны да үзләре әзерлиләр, бар җирдә дә калорий саныйлар, яшелчә һәм җиләк-җимешне яратырга мәҗбүр булалар.

Озак та үтми тренажер залына чират җитә. Хәтта ял көннәрендә дә кардиога йөри башлыйлар. "Артыңны күтәр һәм эшлә!" гыйбарәсе аларның девизына әверелә. Целлюлит һәм асылынып торучы тән тиресен күрсә дә, Лекси бирешми, алга таба ябыгуын дәвам итә.

Story/vulnerability post: I debated posting this picture for 2 days, but decided it's important. I want to be open, honest, and real with you guys. To do that I know sometimes I also have to be vulnerable. I finally went bathing suit shopping and felt so cute in this suit. When I came out of the dressing room I was obviously insecure about my legs. I have bad veins in my legs from being overweight for so long. No pain or anything, but you can see them. My arms also do have some loose skin. The loved one I was with told me I may have to get a cover up for my suit or wear something over my legs. Why? Why should I have to cover a body I've worked my ass off for? Why should I hide just because I do have flaws and I'm not a size 0? All bodies are beach bodies, and I'm not covering up. This summer I challenge you to love yourself. Rock that bathing suit you worked so hard to wear, & don't let anyone make you feel less just because you're not perfect. And I've said it a million times, but I'll say it again - skin is just skin. I'd rather be healthy with a ton of loose skin than obese on my deathbed. Dont let something so small stop you from changing your life. I'm still loosing and adding more weights when we get back from Vegas so who knows. Anyways, this beach body is in progress & I am now the proud owner of this suit from @jcpenney #weightloss #goals #fit #fitfam #fitness #fitspo #fitspire #plussize #jcpenney #fashion #curves #thickfit #fattofit #obesetobeast #swim #swimsuit #obesetobeast #goals #progress #provethemwrong #diet #countingcalories #weightlossjourney #fit #gym #fitness #motivation #effyourbeautystandards #loveyourself #selflove #strong #gymlife

Публикация от Lexiiii ❤ (@fatgirlfedup)

Озакламый бу парны танымый башлыйлар.
— Элек Дэнни мине билемнән кочаклый алмый иде. Кулы андый озын түгел иде, чөнки, - дип көлә хәзер Лекси. Киңәш сораучыга шунысын гына әйтә алам: үзеңне яратырга кирәк! Менә мин, мисал өчен, 200 кг булганда да үземне бик ярата идем. Тик шунысын аңламадым: үземне яратканга үземне үк камилләштерергә тиешмен. Ә камиллекнең чиге юк.

To celebrate hitting my first weight loss goal weight I tried on my wedding dress for the first time since my wedding/weight loss. From a size 34 to a 16 & 268lbs lost - it was way too big. Crazy to think that It was tight on my wedding day. Always remember how far you've come. Also made a video to show you guys how big it actually is for my channel on YouTube - fatgirlfedup that I'll be posting soon! Today is a good day. #weightloss #obesetobeast #fattofit #fit #fitspo #transform #transformation #weightlossjourney #wedding #dress #fitfam #health #gym #motivation #fitnessmotivation #fitlife #bride #youtube #vlog #dietbet #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #squat #anytimefitness #adventure #health #progressnotperfection #extremeweightloss #foodie #countingcalories #vlog #youtube #dietbethost #fit

Публикация от Lexiiii ❤ (@fatgirlfedup)

Хәзер Лекси 82, ә Дэнни 87 кг. Яңадан яңа үрләр яуларга теләп, камиллек өчен әлегәчә көрәшәләр. Әле төп максатлары бар бит: бәхетле әти һәм әни булу. Яшьләргә уңышлар телик!

"I may not be where I want to be, but i'm not where I used to be. " My weight is actually up 10lbs from my lowest but that's okay! We must keep moving forward and the scale is just a tool. That number doesn't defy us, changes daily, and you can't let it bring you down. We are worth more than a number. I know how much my weight can fluctuate daily and im happy with where I am! I'll never claim to be perfect but i will always be real. Just like you I do struggle but those struggles make us strong! I am no where close to where I started and for many years 180 was my 'goal weight' when I was growing up. Now I just want to be healthy/happy and i'm not sure what that looks like as a number. I do however know how much better my life is when i'm healthy. Final dietbet weigh in today since some holiday weight gain & hit my goal to start 2018 off right! So thankful for my @dietbet tribe as it has kept me accountable to make healthy decisions even while traveling/holidays. Feeling super proud of myself as with traveling for work & vacationing almost the whole month of January this was not easy AT ALL. Ready to hit Febuary hard and get back on track! I have only been home 4 days so I know i'm still holding water weight from some cheat meals but not beating myself up! Also yes I have loose skin but like the number on the scale all of this journey has been worth it and skin is just a beautiful battle wound from one hell of a war. ❤ Find something that keeps you accountable to your goals and surround yourself with those with push you to reach them. Link to join our tribe in bio or dietbet.com/fatgirlfedup! #dietbet #weight #weighin #effyourbeautystandards #plussize #goals #vulnerable #motivation #fitnessmotivation #fattofit #fatgirlfedup #obesetobeast #fitfam #fitspo #looseskin #excessskin #fitfam #diet #extremeweightloss #transformation #beforeandafter #progress #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #fitspo #weightloss #losingweight #countingcalories #weightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney #fedupfam

Публикация от Lexiiii ❤ (@fatgirlfedup)

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